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Knee Pain

Quadriceps Tendon Tear

Tendons are strong bands of tissue that attach muscles to bones. The quadriceps tendon is the most important tendon involved in straightening the knee from a bent position.

Small tears of this tendon cause pain or make it difficult to walk and participate in other daily activities. A complete tear of the quadriceps tendon is a disabling injury. It almost always requires surgery, followed by physical therapy to regain full knee motion and function.

Quadriceps tendon tears are not common. They most often occur among middle-aged people who play running or jumping sports.



A quadriceps tear often occurs when there is a heavy load on the leg with the foot planted and the knee partially bent. Think of an awkward landing from a jump while playing basketball. The force of the landing is too much for the tendon and it tears.

Tears can also be caused by falls, direct force to the front of the knee, and lacerations (cuts).

Tendon Weakness

A weakened quadriceps tendon is more likely to tear. Several things can lead to tendon weakness. 

Tendinitis. Inflammation of the quadriceps tendon, called quadriceps tendinitis, weakens the tendon. It may also cause small tears. Quadriceps tendinitis is most common in people who run and participate in sports that involve jumping. 

Chronic disease. Weakened tendons can also be caused by diseases that disrupt blood supply. Chronic diseases which may weaken the tendon include:

  • Chronic renal (kidney) failure

  • Other conditions associated with renal dialysis

  • Hyperparathyroidism

  • Gout

  • Leukemia

  • Rheumatoid arthritis

  • Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)

  • Diabetes mellitus

  • Infection

  • Metabolic disease 

Steroid use. Using corticosteroids has been linked to increased muscle and tendon weakness. 

Fluoroquinolones. This special type of antibiotic has been associated with quadriceps tendon tears. 

Immobilization. When you are off your feet for a prolonged period of time, the muscles and tendons supporting your knees lose strength and flexibility.


When a quadriceps tendon tears, there is often a tearing or popping sensation. Pain and swelling typically follow, and you may not be able to straighten your knee. Additional symptoms include:

  • An indentation at the top of your kneecap where the tendon tore

  • Bruising

  • Tenderness

  • Cramping

  • Your kneecap may sag or droop because the tendon is torn

  • Difficulty walking due to the knee buckling or giving way


A quadriceps tendon tear is easily diagnosable. A doctor will ask you about your medical history and what you were doing at the time of the injury. You may be asked to extend your leg from a bent position or try to move it around.  

Medical staff may then perform a physical examination and order some imaging tests to look inside the knee area and determine the extent of the injury. Imaging tests could include: 

  • An X-ray

  • An ultrasound

  • A magnetic resonance image (MRI)

These will help the doctor to determine the type of injury and may indicate possible complications. It will also show if the tendon tear is partial or complete. 

Non-surgical treatments

Most small, partial tears respond well to nonsurgical treatment.


Immobilization. Your doctor may recommend you wear a knee immobilizer or brace. This will keep your knee straight to help it heal. You will most likely need crutches to help you avoid putting all of your weight on your leg. You can expect to be in a knee immobilizer or brace for 3 to 6 weeks.

Physical therapy. Once the initial pain and swelling has settled down, you can physical therapy. Specific exercises can restore the strength and range of motion in your leg.

Your thearpist will gradually add exercises to your program. Straight leg raises to strengthen your quadriceps are often central to a physical therapy plan. As time goes on, your doctor or therapist will unlock your brace. This will allow you to move more freely with a greater range of motion. You will be prescribed more strengthening exercises as you heal.


Your doctor will discuss with you when it is safe to return to sports or other physical activity.


Most people with complete tears will require surgery to repair the torn tendon. Your doctor may recommend surgery if you have a large partial tear or a partial tear associated with tendon degeneration. This will likely depend upon your age, your activities, and your previous level of function.

During surgical repair, the surgeon reattaches the torn tendon to the top of the kneecap. People who require surgery do better if the repair is performed soon after the injury. Early repair may prevent the tendon from scarring and tightening into a shortened position.

  • Most likely, your repair will be protected with a knee immobilizer or a long leg cast. You may be allowed to put your weight on your leg with the use of a brace and crutches (or a walker).

  • Over time, your doctor or therapist will unlock your brace and allow knee flexion in a step-wise fashion. This will enable you to move more freely with a greater range of motion. Strengthening exercises will then be added to your rehabilitation plan.

  • In some cases, your doctor will prescribe an immediate motion protocol (treatment plan). This is a more aggressive approach and not appropriate for all patients. Most surgeons protect motion early on after surgery. 

Your doctor and physical therapist will customize a rehabilitation plan for you. How long you need therapy and which exercises your treatment team prescribes will be based on the type of tear you have, your surgical repair, your medical condition, and your needs.

Complete recovery takes at least 4 months. Most repairs are nearly healed in 6 months. Many patients report that they required 12 months before they reached all their goals.

HeatPulse & Thermosleeve

How using the HeatPulse
and Thermosleeve can help


Heat & Massage


HeatPulse Knee Massager

For stiffness, tightness, and range of motion

For older injuries 

Encourages healing


Cold & Compression


Thermosleeve Cold
Compression sleeve

Ice & compression

For pain, swelling, and inflammation

First 72h after injury / flare-up of old injury

Provides relief


How using the

Thermosleeve can help


Cold & Compression

Thermosleeve Cold
Compression sleeve

For pain, swelling, and inflammation

First 72h after injury / flare-up of old injury

Ice & compression


Provides relief

The Thermosleeve and HeatPulse are great tools for hot and cold therapy to help you recover from your surgery.

  • Thermosleeve combines cold with compression for greater effectiveness in relieving pain and inflammation

  • HeatPulse combines heat and massage to boost blood flow to your knee, encouraging healing and improving range of motion

Swelling after knee surgery can last for three to six months after surgery. To help reduce inflammation and pain, you can use the Thermosleeve three to four times a day for about 10-20 minutes during the first few days after surgery.


After the initial swelling has gone down, you can alternate between the Thermosleeve and the HeatPulse to relax the muscles and ease stiffness.


The Thermosleeve and HeatPulse are great tools for hot and cold therapy to help you recover from your surgery.

  • Thermosleeve combines cold with compression for greater effectiveness in relieving pain and inflammation

  • HeatPulse combines heat and massage to boost blood flow to your knee, encouraging healing and improving range of motion

Swelling after knee surgery can last for three to six months after surgery. To help reduce inflammation and pain, you can use the Thermosleeve three to four times a day for about 10-20 minutes during the first few days after surgery.


After the initial swelling has gone down, you can alternate between the Thermosleeve and the HeatPulse to relax the muscles and ease stiffness.


Hear from customers
who have experienced relief

Isabella Guinevere Loza (Ballet Dancer) - Patellar Tendonitis
Alli Buchanan (Dancer) - Psoriatic Knee Arthritis
Andrew Nelmes (Gym Goer) - Meniscus Tear
Hayley Dixon - ACL, MCL, Rheumatoid Arthritis
Peter Kirk (Runner) - Knee Osteoarthritis
Zoe Barker (Runner) - Knee Osteoarthritis
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